Von Ralf Kuhling

I have received the Admiralspalast presentation of the „Klavierkabarettist“ Bodo Wartke three new programs „Wunderpunkt.“ BZ war am Freitag dabei. And if a Wortwitz king is the white man, he has a human power.

Bodo Wartkes activates the Glücklichmacher and ensures that all wortakrobatic Zungenbrecher. „Barbaras Rhabarberbar“, von Wartke Rap-ähnlich performt, dieses Jahr auf TikTok by De Decke.

“Barbaras Rhabarberbar” is Pflicht im Admiral’s palaceWartke, 47, tanzt dazu. Sein Becken has a lot of fun, thanks to Elvis.

“Wunderpunkt” said a Wundermann, from all themes, to a brutal über-suicide tent, in his songs. As you take a lighter look, be careful to become aware of your expectations. With Texts for Erwachsene, the children’s light forms erscheinen. That’s all…great art!

Publikum singt geistert mit

The Publikum is a right of the young man of Rentner, it is stylized or an alternative. Yes, Wartke gets everything. A song, even a Mixtape, would sing in the same sentence of the 80s class core with “Hello” and “Eternal Flame”. Wartke weiß, wie man Herzen warm.

It was a more stable form of the results, but the song was written in the longest German language: “Rindfleischlabeltierungsüberwachungsaufgabenübertragungsgesetz.”

Who heissen die erolgreichsten Musikstile Germany? Gangsta rap and schlager. In the first Zugabe, Wartke führt both sisters, power “Gangsta-Schlager.” And the sweet Klischee-Zeilen auf die Music von „Atemlos“: „With the horniest Stallion, have the very longest…“

Zugabe zwei: Aus Michael Jacksons „Bad“ und de Zeile „Who’s bad?“ power Wartke „for meinen Sohn“ through the Schlaflied „Ins Bett.“ Sohnemann can put his father on daddy, but is still one of the greatest entertainers of the Landes.

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